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Fundraising and Engagement

Bonterra is built on Network for Good

Everything that made Network for Good the industry leader for small and medium nonprofit fundraising is now part of Bonterra Fundraising Essentials.

Everything you loved about Network for Good

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Bonterra’s Fundraising and Engagement solution includes powerful features from Network for Good, including:
• Donor management
• Volunteer management
• Online fundraising pages
• Peer-to-peer fundraising
• Mobile messaging
• Events and auctions


Network for Good helped thousands of small and medium-sized nonprofits attract and organize donors and volunteers. Bonterra’s Fundraising and Engagement builds on this legacy to offer the same powerful features in three tiers so that nonprofits and organizations of any size can benefit from the industry-leading features from Network for Good, alongside other best-in-class software to attract new donors, increase engagement, and empower motivated supporters.


Network for Good offered coaching and free online resources through its extensive blog and webinar series — many of which have moved to our events and webinars page. Additionally, Bonterra’s Fundraising and Engagement offers tools like comprehensive supporter profiles, data-driven dashboards, and tools to optimize the supporter experience so you can build lifelong connections with donors.


See how Network for Good fits into Bonterra

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Support Packages

Your technology should give you expanded capacity, better efficiency, and less stress. Bonterra’s Support Packages are here to help you maximize the value of your solutions with dedicated assistance for team training and process improvement.

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years of experience servicing non-profits
This is a great home for Network for Good, with its kindred focus on impact, and we are excited to leverage the combined [Bonterra]’s leading software solutions to the benefit of our customers and the sector.
Bill Strathmann
former CEO of Network for Good

Award-winning fundraising and engagement software

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Network for Good is now a part of Bonterra

For the last twenty-plus years, Network for Good has helped more than 8,000 small —to medium-sized nonprofits build their supporter base. Known for its easy-to-use software and accessible fundraising coaches, Network for Good has always provided the technology and expertise nonprofits need to raise money and manage donors.

Network For Good is now part of Bonterra’s Fundraising and Engagement solution. This new platform retains everything that made it Network for Good, an industry leader for small and medium nonprofit fundraising while deepening and sharpening that focus. 

Our Fundraising and Engagement package is the simplest, most holistic, and most powerful packaging of Network For Good software to date. This offering includes tiers not only for small and medium-sized nonprofits that Network for Good specializes in but also for nonprofits of all sizes and their unique fundraising needs.

Logo representing Network for Good was acquired by Bonterra Tech

FAQs about Network for Good

Network for Good is a constituent relationship management platform (CRM) for nonprofits that allowed charitable organizations to conduct fundraisers, donor outreach, and advocacy campaigns. EveryAction stood out from its competitors by having an accessible price point and ready-made integrations for social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn.  

Today, EveryAction is now part of Bonterra Fundraising and Engagement, along with several other tools and platforms that were already part of EveryAction, including Bonterra’s Mobilize solution, GiveGab, Salsa Labs, and DonorTrends.


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